Videos (All)

Chris Gervais (Mill and 7th)

Episode 30: 1929 Gibson L-3

Episode 28: 1959 Danelectro DC-1 Shorthorn

Episode 27: 1930 Martin 2-17 “The #25”

halloween guitar sale

The Ghost of Rocktoweenber 3: Season of the Gretsch

The Ghost of Rocktoweenber 2: Electric Boogaloo

The Ghost of Rocktoweenber

Episode 25: 1962 Gibson LG-2 Acoustic

Santa Cruz Acoustic Guitar

Episode 23: Santa Cruz O.M. Acoustic Guitar

Gibson EB-2D

Episode 22: 1969 Gibson EB-2D Bass

Episode 21: D’Angelico Brighton Deluxe

Santa Cruz Guitar Company Thumbnail

Episode 20: Santa Cruz Guitar Company

Rickenbacker episode thumbnail

Episode 19: Rickenbacker 4003 Bass

1975 Guild acoustic guitar episode thumbnail

Episode 18: 1975 Guild Acoustic Guitar

Fender Musicmaster Bass Guitar

Episode 17: Fender Musicmaster Bass

1957 Gretsch Rancher Acoustic Guitar

Episode 14: ’57 Gretsch Rancher